3D printing

3D printing is an additive biofabrication strategy based on the deposition of the printed biomaterial layer by layer. Among multiple challenges associated with this emerging technology (bioink formulations, structure stabilization, spatial resolution, throughput) we focus on the printing of microfluidic emulsions foams or suspensions. The discrete structure of such ‘bioinks’ elevates the complexity of the system but also enables new functionalities. For example, microfluidics allows to address individual droplets or bubbles which can be used to print compartmentalized structures with compartments of different content (e.g. different cells) or to formulate functionally graded porous structures, e.g., with spatially varying pore size.

Relevant Publications:

  • Costantini, M.;  Jaroszewicz, J.;  Kozon, L.;  Szlazak, K.;  Swieszkowski, W.;  Garstecki, P.;  Stubenrauch, C.;  Barbetta, A.; Guzowski, J., 3D-Printing of Functionally Graded Porous Materials Using On-Demand Reconfigurable Microfluidics. Angewandte Chemie-International Edition 2019, 58 (23), 7620-7625.


  • Instytut Chemii Fizycznej Polskiej Akademii Nauk
    ul. Kapsrzaka 44/52, Warszawa
  • +48 22 3433406
  • jguzowski@ichf.edu.pl
  • https://sgmte.pl/
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