Leon Jurkiewicz

PhD Student

I am a chemical technology engineer. I completed my undergraduate and graduate studies in the Department of Chemical Technology, with a specialization in chemical technology and catalysis, at the Warsaw University of Technology. During my engineering studies, I joined this team through the PD-to-PI internship program, at which point I developed my interest in the areas of soft granular matter and microfluidics. I wrote my thesis entitled ‘Dense double emulsions in microfluidic systems: chemical and physical conditions for stability and control’ in collaboration with this team based on research carried out at the Physical Chemistry Institute PAS.

As a PhD student, I am expanding my knowledge in the areas of my interest, which are microfluidics, tissue engineering, and soft granular matter. I am researching a project focusing on the precision printing of microfluidics-assisted granular hydrogels for tissue engineering applications.


  • Instytut Chemii Fizycznej Polskiej Akademii Nauk
    ul. Kapsrzaka 44/52, Warszawa
  • +48 22 3433406
  • jguzowski@ichf.edu.pl
  • https://sgmte.pl/
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